CBD Symposium
CBD and Cannabinoids Conference

The marijuana industry is booming in the United States. Recent polls reveal that 55 million Americans currently use marijuana and one in every seven adults uses CBD products. There is an increasing likelihood that members of the general public will be consuming cannabis or CBD along with prescription or over-the-counter medications. It is not a question of whether or not any of your patients are using cannabis and/or cannabinoid oil products, but rather “which ones?”

As front-line healthcare providers, community-based pharmacists like you play an essential role in alerting and educating the public on cannabis use and on drug interactions that may occur with cannabis and CBD usage. Many questions exist surrounding CBD safety in regard to consumption levels, consuming multiple products simultaneously, pregnancy and child exposure to CBD products, and prolonged usage of CBD.

With the support of a grant from Greenwich Bioscience, the ACA Research & Education Foundation (ACA Foundation), along with Pharmacists Public Health Initiatives (PPHI), has developed CannabisRxInfo.org, a program to inform pharmacists on the safety and efficacy of cannabis and CBD products, consisting of a direct mailing of Cannabis and CBD information and education events.

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According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 45.3% of Persons Aged 12 or Older reported a lifetime use of marijuana, 15.9% within the past year, and 10.1% within the past month.

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According to Consumer Reports, one in seven persons in the US aged 18 and older has used products containing CBD.


Last fall, the ACA Foundation and PPHI hosted two live educational events for pharmacists and other health care professionals who want an understanding of key considerations surrounding cannabis and CBD products and the role of the pharmacist when speaking with patients who use cannabis.

CBD and Cannabinoids Conference








Cannabinoid Clinical .com

About Us

CannabisRxInfo.org has been developed by the American College of Apothecaries Research and Education Foundation and Pharmacists Public Health Initiatives | PPHI to inform the public health community on the safety and efficacy of cannabis and CBD products and on key considerations surrounding the role of the healthcare professional when speaking with patients who use cannabis.

American College of Apothecaries Research & Education Foundation
Pharmacists Public Health Initiatives | An Outreach of the ACA Foundation

This website is supported by a grant from Greenwich Biosciences.